École Leduc Estates School


WHPS – Grade 6 Orientation

Grade 6 English classes will walk to WHPS.Itinerary:12:40 - Depart ÉLES and walk to WHPS12:55 - Arrive WHPS1:00-2:00 - information session, tour, Q&A, snack2:00-2:30 - Depart WHPS2:30-3:00 - Arrive ÉLES...

Evacuation Drill

Teacher & SERT Team Steps for Emergency Evacuations

Growing Smiles Pick-up

An email will be sent out when plants are ready to be picked up.

Cirque – Lyne Goselin

Lyne Goselin and her team of acrobats will perform their act in the gym for our students.Time TBD.http://www.lynegosselin.ca/Site/Welcome.html

Grade 3 Outdoor Pool

3R & 3PS Itinerary:10:15 - Depart École Leduc Estates School11:00 - Arrive Alexandra Outdoor Pool.  Swim.12:30 - Picnic Lunch at Alexandra Park Playground.1:00 - Depart Alexandra park playground.1:15 - Arrive...