École Leduc Estates School
MHCB & ÉLES Family NightPlease register here!
ÉLES Ski Club at Rabbit Hill for registered students in grades 4-6. Please see the letter that was emailed for more information!
ÉLES will be hosting a food bank drive from Monday, February 13 to Friday, February 24th as part of our Random Acts of Kindness month, in support of the Leduc...
Please register here: https://forms.gle/RVWTh4tKv4ZeyDh36
Ski Club for registered students (grades 4-6)!
More details to come!
Carnaval Kick Off Assembly
Rock your socks for World Down Syndrome Day! https://cdss.ca/resources/education/https://cdss.ca/world-down-syndrome-day/
Please contact your teacher for their parent/teacher meeting schedules. Meetings can be booked online at School Appointments starting on March 7 at 12pm and until March 21 at 12pm.
Dress-up and match as twins or triplets for the day!